Most of us have a vague memory of the events that took place on the day of our baptism.  It is only when we are older that we are able to create that memory in our heads through pictures. In the Christian tradition, baptism is a sacred right to passage. It is a way of welcoming new born children into the Christian world. It is also about responsibility.

In the Christian world, the way of baptism varies depending on what religion you are from. Catholics have different traditions of baptism from Protestants. The Protestant Church also has varying beliefs of baptism depending on the denomination. One example of this variation would be the Evangelical Protestant Church.

Evangelical Protestant Churches have two stages of baptism. They practice baptism on infants as a dedication, and when they arrive at a certain age where they are able to decide for themselves, they can decide whether to have another rite of baptism or not. If they decide to be baptized, they are then baptized by the Holy Spirit. They are submerged in the water as a process of purification. By this time, they are ready to uphold the responsibilities of being a Christian and live in the Word of Christ. But even though there are differences in baptismal beliefs, baptism has the same meaning for us. Baptism means that we are purified from our sins and we are united as one Christian Church.

In the tradition of baptism, the traditional baptismal wear will always be present. Baptismal robes are more than just clothes that are sewn together for people to wear, it represents something greater-- a symbol for the garments of light. The garments of light were worn by Adam and Eve before they were banished from the Garden of Eden for disobedience. It is an invisible garment of grace. The practice of wearing baptismal robes has been passed onto us by our ancestors. The wearing of baptismal robes has become an essential part of every baptismal ceremony by Christians. 

Nowadays, people can buy baptismal garments in malls or on the online market. As society has progressed, practical choices are available for us when it comes to the baptismal robe. We are given the freedom to choose if we’d rather rent one or buy one. I personally think that practicality is a good practice as a response to the increase of prices at the current market, but products with affordable prices sometimes sacrifice quality. Purchasing affordable items and taking their quality into consideration is a good way of practicing practicality. When you practice this, you are considered a smart buyer. When we are about to celebrate our baptismal ceremony, we want to purchase cheap baptismal clothing 
or wholesale baptismal clothing. We have certain qualifications when buying baptismal robes. We want to be at that place where affordability meets quality. There are a lot of shops that have products that meet your qualifications. So, affordable baptismal robes that do not sacrifice quality are not impossible to find.

I know most of us are thinking of just wearing simple wardrobes and are hesitant to wear baptismal robes because affordable ones are hard to find. I, myself, have also thought of this as a good way of avoiding expenses. But then, why should we stop years of wearing baptismal robes which has already become a tradition. Baptismal gatherings are not like any other gathering or celebration. It has a lot more weight to it because it celebrates your christening. It celebrates you as a Christian. Isn’t a celebration better if we are wearing something awesome? 

The price range for baptismal robes may vary depending on who is wearing the robe. And looking at these prices may cause us to disregard these products. But we could find affordable robes if we keep looking. We could open our horizons and travel deep into the market. I know it’s hard and time-consuming. But it will all be worth it when you find the shop and the price that suits you. So, will you be the person who fears taking risks and throws away years of tradition or will you be the person who takes on those risks and uphold years of tradition?

Either way, just make sure that you get the best baptismal robes you can get and enjoy your new life as a Christian!

Nice blog !!!


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    Hi There! I am Matilda Cavillo and I am a 38 year old counselor and a mother of three beautiful angels. Being a mother is one of the best things that happened to me. The joy of having a new baby in the family is always unparalleled to any other feeling, and the more exciting it is to welcome a child to the Christian world! In my family, baptisms or christenings are a very special and joyous event and we love how every little angel looks good in dainty, pure baptism robes. Being a practical mother, I’d like to give pointers to other moms out there about cute baptism robes and baptism towels that are surely useful for every Christening. So feel free to browse around and leave a comment or two, you are always welcome to do so!

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